Welp per usual miss Swift speaks to my soul. Seems like many people on the interwebs are dumb founded that the majority of her double album is about some "fling" and not her six year relationship but damn can I relate. Gosh I remember so vividly how fucking crazy I felt when I was absolutely devastated to have lost the man after only six weeks when my very own six year relationship already felt like a lifetime ago when in reality it had barely been over for a few weeks before things started. Three months hadn't even passed between the day I finally pulled the trigger on my divorce before the affair was over as well. This summer will be ten years since this all happened, and apparently 2014 is also the first time Taylor and her loml first fell. Time doesn't really mean much when you connect with someone and feel seen and understood. At this time ten years ago I had just started therapy for the first time as an adult because my Sailor had convinced me that there was something wrong with me after I had genuinely tried to end things in person and he just didn't accept that it was over. I think at the time I kept trying to salvage things because I was still in denial I had made such a big mistake. I also don't think I was quite ready to start all over again. While change is exciting, it's also always so overwhelming and so very hard.
If I could reach through time and talk to younger me I would tell her that she was right, that what she wanted and was after was not a fantasy and that she did deserve so much more than what she had resigned herself to. I would tell her the choice to leave was the first one of many in making a life that was no longer a cage. That she would continue to live many more chapters in this life, all with so many delicious highs, along with some very painful lows, but a rich and loud life all the same. I don't know if I would warn her about the man, even now knowing how much heartache just knowing him would cause, I don't think I'd ever not want to have experienced that love. Our little bubble was always so magical and these days I'm grateful I did get to have all the days I did have with him. There were so many that I so dearly wanted to share with him that I never will, and there's parts of me that will mourn that forever. I was so convinced that I was perfect for him and he was perfect for me and that together we would help each other heal all of our trauma and continue growing into the best versions of ourselves. Someone has been reading through all the old blogs and it made me revisit some of those entries too. The feelings this man evokes in me have just always been so fucking intense and I so understand that obsession of needing to hold on to it. To feel that alive is rare, I knew it back then, but man do I know it now. It's been just over a year now since the man and I interacted with each other in preparation for Burdman's birthday. I'm really not sure I'll ever see him again and while I hate we never figured out how to be friends, it's probably a good thing because if we had, I would have never reached this place now where I have forgotten so much. I can't hear his voice or his laugh, nor can I see the way he used to look at me. If those were all still fresh I don't think anyone else would stand a chance.
While I'm still hopeful to find that someone to love and grow with, this season seems to be about refocusing on me after giving so much to so many people in my life. I just finished my first week at my new job working with my mentor and I'm so genuinely happy. The month off was amazing, I'm so grateful to past me for deciding to just go to the Bahamas for a few days it was exactly what I needed. I have a lot of work ahead of me the next few weeks to get through my research paper for my class that I really thought I was going to do more of during the time off, but I really just needed rest. It's so hard to fight that internal voice that tells you that you're a piece of shit if you're not productive but we're not here to be productive. We're here to witness, experience and share love. That's it. Everything else that has been shoved down our throats is just a construct of the reality that we've collectively made. It's a reality that is definitely continuing to shift and while I'm anxious about the election this year and the divisiveness we're experiencing, I'm continually reminded of all the positive changes that have been happening right alongside all of the awful. I do still believe that this grand experiment that is the United States can be a place where every person has the ability to realize their dreams, no matter where or to who they were born to. I think at some point I really will get involved in politics, but for now I'm just gonna focus on learning my new role, starting a new business line as was discussed this week (!!!) and forming a healthy routine for myself and Lady.
I have a good feeling about this next chapter and am so relieved at how much lighter I feel after life felt so very heavy these past few years.
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